On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 04:31:58PM +0000, Franz wrote:
> Perhaps a way out of this impasse is to put bounties on Xen security tasks
> identified by Joanna and properly advertise these bounties to Xen users.
> [snip]

This is fundamentaly wrong idea. Security isn't something you can
"apply" or put bounty on. It's a state of the mind, especcialy
developer's. Joanna wrote in her mail:

> > > I can't help but have a feeling that some of the Xen developers seem to be
> > > overconfident in their belief they can fully understand all the possible
> > > execution paths in their code. Well, the XSAs quoted above are an 
> > > indisputable
> > > prove that this is not quite always the case. Realizing that, each 
> > > developer by
> > > themselves, might be a great step towards a more secure hypervisor...

And that's why we can't just "submit a patch" to "contribute security".
There is something wrong with Xen as a whole project, but that something
isn't the code. There is a mindset to be fixed.

regards,                        _.-._
Wojtek Porczyk               .-^'   '^-.
Invisible Things Lab         |'-.-^-.-'|
                             |  |   |  |
 I do not fear computers,    |  '-.-'  |
 I fear lack of them.        '-._ :  ,-'
    -- Isaac Asimov             `^-^-_>

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