On Thu, 5 Nov 2015, Lars Kurth wrote:
Hi all,

I was just informed that it is not going to be possible to hold the Developer 
Summit alongside LinuxCon in Berlin, unless we make some hard choices. I had 
originally had booked the space and all looked fine when it was originally 
arranged several months ago. Seems that the LinuxCon organisers tripped over a 
German holiday and had not accounted for it. I would like to get your input 
before the next board meeting in 10 days, such that I have community input for 
the meeting and I can make a swift decision at the meeting.

We have the following options
* Hold it on Monday Oct 3 - to Tue Oct 4 : the problem is that Oct 3 is a 
public holiday in Germany, which would affect German participants
* Do a 1 day event only on Oct 4 : I don't think this is practicable
* Hold the event alongside LinuxCon in Toronto in August, but then we'd have a 
Dev Summit in the US for 3 years in a row. On the plus side, it will be Linux' 
25th birthday

Monday Oct 3 - to Tue Oct 4 in Berlin would be my preference.


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