On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 02:31:22AM -0800, John Nemeth wrote:
>      I would like to request that there be a way in the xen console
> to send the escape char.  The problem I faced was that I did:
> xl console <dom id>
> domU> telnet <device>

As a workaround, you can try 

   telnet -e escapechar <device>


> ...
> At some point, I realised that I wanted to send Ctrl-], which is
> the standard telnet escape char to the telnet command.  But, of
> course, the xen console ate it and exited.  A Google search and
> asking a developer that was hanging out in a private chat where I
> often hangout didn't produce any answers.  So, then I looked at
> tools/console/client/main.c in Xen 4.5.1, which is the latest that
> I had at hand, along with master in your gitweb, I found the
> following code:
>  212                 if (FD_ISSET(STDIN_FILENO, &fds)) {
>  213                         ssize_t len;
>  214                         char msg[60];
>  215 
>  216                         len = read(STDIN_FILENO, msg, sizeof(msg));
>  217                         if (len == 1 && msg[0] == ESCAPE_CHARACTER) {
>  218                                 return 0;
>  219                         } 
> Thus it would appear that there is currently no way to send the
> escape char to the domU.  I would provide a patch, but I'm not sure
> what would be the best way to make the change.

Maybe we can do the same thing as telnet to provide an option to specify
escape character.


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