On 30/10/15 17:39, Jan Beulich wrote:
> Since calling the function isn't cheap, try to avoid the call when we
> know up front it won't help; see the code comment for details on those
> conditions.
> Signed-off-by: Jan Beulich <jbeul...@suse.com>
> --- a/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
> +++ b/xen/arch/x86/mm/p2m-pod.c
> @@ -522,7 +522,6 @@ p2m_pod_decrease_reservation(struct doma
>      if ( unlikely(d->is_dying) )
>          goto out_unlock;
> -recount:
>      pod = nonpod = ram = 0;
>      /* Figure out if we need to steal some freed memory for our cache */
> @@ -562,15 +561,20 @@ recount:
>          goto out_entry_check;
>      }
> -    /* Try to grab entire superpages if possible.  Since the common case is 
> for drivers
> -     * to pass back singleton pages, see if we can take the whole page back 
> and mark the
> -     * rest PoD. */
> -    if ( steal_for_cache
> -         && p2m_pod_zero_check_superpage(p2m, gpfn & ~(SUPERPAGE_PAGES-1)))
> -    {
> -        /* Since order may be arbitrary, we may have taken more or less
> -         * than we were actually asked to; so just re-count from scratch */
> -        goto recount;
> +    /*
> +     * Try to grab entire superpages if possible.  Since the common case is 
> for
> +     * drivers to pass back singleton pages, see if we can take the whole 
> page
> +     * back and mark the rest PoD.
> +     * No need to do this though if
> +     * - order >= SUPERPAGE_ORDER (the loop below will take care of this)
> +     * - not all of the pages were RAM (now knowing order < SUPERPAGE_ORDER)
> +     */
> +    if ( steal_for_cache && order < SUPERPAGE_ORDER && (ram >> order) &&
> +         p2m_pod_zero_check_superpage(p2m, gpfn & ~(SUPERPAGE_PAGES - 1)) )
> +    {
> +        pod += ram;
> +        nonpod -= ram;
> +        ram = 0;

+1 for the idea; a couple of comments:

* I think it would be clearer to use "(ram == 1 << order)" instead of
"ram >> order".  I understand (ram >> order) will be non-zero only if
ram == 1 << order, but why make people spend brain cycles trying to
figure that out?

* If we're going to assume that "ram >> order" implies "all the entries
are ram", and furthermore that a positive return value implies "all ram
was changed to pod", wouldn't it be better to do something like the

  pod = 1 << order
  nonpod = ram = 0

This would be more clearly correct if we change the comparison to ram ==
1 << order.

* steal_for_cache may now be wrong.  I realize that since now ram == 0
that all the subsequent "steal_for_cache" expressions will end up as
"false" anyway, but leaving invariants in an invalid state is sort of
asking for trouble.

I'd prefer you just update steal_for_cache; but if not, at least leave a
comment there saying that it may be wrong and why it doesn't matter.


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