Wei Liu writes ("[Xen-devel] RFC: Survey on release cycle"): > Please express your preference with -2 (strongly argue against), -1 > (not happy but not against), +1 (happy but won't argue for) and +2 > (happy and argue for). > > # 6 months release cycle + current stable release scheme > > The same stable release scheme applies (18 months full support + 18 > months security fixes). Encourage more people to step up to share the > maintenance burden if necessary. Automate part of the workflow to > maintain stable releases. Write down guideline for maintainers.
+2 > # 6 months release cycle + LTS scheme > > Pick LTS release every 4 releases. Announce LTS before hand. Non-LTS > releases receive shorter support. Encourage more people to step up to > share the maintenance burden if necessary. Automate part of the > workflow to maintain stable releases and LTS releases. Write down > guideline for maintainers. +1 > The length of support hasn't been discussed thoroughly -- but to make > LTS scheme stand out the length of support would be longer than what > we have now (18 + 18). > > # 9 months release cycle + current stable release scheme -2 Ian. _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list Xen-devel@lists.xen.org http://lists.xen.org/xen-devel