Hi everyone,

I wanted to walk you through some of the results of the Review Process study 

I am also looking for input and views.

Best Regards

== Caveats ==
C1) Only 60% percent of the reviews on the mailing list could be matched to 
commits. This can be improved going forward, but we felt that the dataset is 
big enough for statical analysis and didn't want to spend too much time to get 
the matching perfect at this stage. See "Coverage analysis" for more details

C2) In many cases, you will only want to look at median (green) rather mean 
(blue) trends in sections 1-5. In particular where the numbers are small. Also 
note that there is significant monthly variation in some graphs and thus graphs 
may be skewed by freeze periods, holidays, ... in those cases it is really 
necessary to look at the integral areas underneath the graphs and/or trend 

C3) Some of the time related diagrams in section 6 show data in different ways 
(e.g. [67] and [68]). For example, 
- [67] maps the starting point of a completed review to a year
- [68] maps the end points of a completed review to a year
The former is less prone to be skewed by freeze periods, holidays, dev summits, 
== Summary ==
S1) We had a very high influx of complex patches, clogging up the review 
pipeline. However the situation seems to be have become better in the first 
half of 2015.

S2) We have had an increase of 10% per year of submitted patches since 2011

S3) The median number of review comments per patch has increased from around 3 
(from 2009 to 2013) to 5 after 2013. This appears to be a reflection of higher 
demands on quality, but there are other explanations also. But indications are, 
that the root cause is that higher quality is expected today compared to the 

S4) Contributors have become better at re-work: in 2011 the average time 
reviewers waited for patches to be re-worked while a series was reviewed was 
around 30 days, now it is around 15 days. For an exact definition see 1, Time 
to re-work a patch

S5) The community is faster at turning around review cycles: up to 2012 a 
single review cycle (e.g. from v1 to v2, v2 to v3, ...) took approx. 13 days, 
and was around approx. 7 since

S6) We do seem to have increased the number of people who actively review 
individual patches (the median was 2 and now is 3 per patch), but the overall 
number of reviewers has stayed the same. ]

S7) However, the variations on all the above figures have become generally 
higher: in other words we do have more "outliers" - aka individual patch series 
- which go into the opposite direction

S8) Historically we have handled an average of 513 patch series a year. The 
*bad news* is that we have about a years worth of patches (481) which had 
review activity in the last 12 months. And a bit more than a year's backlog 
(600) which is stalled and didn't receive attention for 12 months. But we do 
not yet have data how this has evolved historically, so we don't know yet 
whether the last 2 years were different to what we have seen in the past.

It is worth noting that the same set of people are doing more reviews, more 
effectively. First a big thank you to our reviewers. However, this is an issue 
in the long run, which needs addressing. 

== Explanation of Graphs (where not obvious) ==

=== Histograms and Log Scale diagrams in sections 1-5 ===

The time period covered is usually over the entire existence of the project, 
unless stated otherwise. 

The histograms are pretty obvious: we know that the scales are a bit crude and 
will improve this.

The log scale diagrams are more interesting (See LogScale.png for a legend). 

1: 25% - in this example 25% of new review cycles are started within a day
2: 50% - in this example 50% of new review cycles are started within approx. 
3.5 days
3: 75% - in this example 75% of new review cycles are started within approx. 
10.5 days
4: Threshold for statistical significance - everything above the line is *not* 
statistically significant. In this case everything above 12 days is *not* 
statistically significant.
5: Shows a "+" for each datapoint that is not statistically significant

== Cycle Time [27] to [29] ==
This is not quite obvious from the definition in 1. For the cycle time, we 
basically ignore the mapping to a patch or patch series and just look at the 
cycle times between review iterations *regardless* of which series it belongs 

For example [29] then tells us that the median cycle of any code review has 
been fairly static around 5 days from 2012.

== Backlog Analysis ==
This section shows us the total of patch series reviews that could be modelled 
(60%) over the project's life-time 

Complete: 5641
Active (aka activity in the last 7 days) : 78
Ongoing (aka activity in the last 12 months): 403
Stalled (no activity for 12 months): 600
This is an area where time based diagrams would help, such that we understand 
whether things have become much worse than in the past. On the face of it, the 
figures are *worrying*: in particular if you consider we historically have 
handled an average of 513 patch series a year, we have the equivalent of 
- a year's worth of backlog which is active
- a bit more than a year's backlog which is stalled - there is no way to 
identify abandoned reviews  

An interesting possibility for future work is to create some kind of web page, 
which shows Active, Ongoing and Stalled reviews and allows reviewers and 
contributors to monitor what is going on and what is reviewed. That should help 
with coordination of reviews, prioritising review capacity, etc.

Something similar for Completed reviews may also help the Release Manager by 
helping identify which series (rather than patches) went into a release.

== 6 Analysis ==

Diagrams such as [66] follow the same pattern than outlined in "Log Scale 
diagrams" above.

[66]: because 2015 is not yet completed the 2015 figures are incorrect (we only 
count the starting point of a completed review to a year; and many reviews will 
not yet be complete)

[67], [68]: To account for this we could in semesters (or half-years). Given 
that the data set has been taken yesterday, most H1 reviews should be in already

- [67] maps the starting point of a completed review to a semester
- [68] maps the end points of a completed review to a semester

What is interesting is that the 50% mark in [67] and [68] are constant, but 
that the 75% mark is high in [67] with a wide variation for 2014. In H1 2015, 
we seem to be back to normal, which is *good* news. This is consistent with 
some of the other data and leads us to believe that this was caused by an 
influx of a lot of unexperienced contributors. 

The spikes in [68] appear to have to do with release cycle for Xen 4.3 (March) 
and 4.5 (Jan) and show a surge of patches being applied after master for these 
cycles re-opened.
[69] - [79] look at the same data as [67] and [68] and break it down by size of 
series. Only sizes "1 patch" and "> 4 patches" per series are statistically 

If you look at the these, this is consistent with S1 (copied from above)

S1) We had a very high influx of complex patches, clogging up the review 
pipeline. However the situation seems to be have become better in the first 
half of 2015.

[80] - [81] looks at the distribution of patches by size and how it evolved. 
Again this is consistent with S1 

== Possible Future work ==
Any concrete input in what we should be focussing on would be welcome

F1) Zooming in on some areas where the data analysis is not yet sufficient 
(e.g. list and recognise reviewers accurately, do more statistical analysis of 
some areas in sections 1-5 similar to those in section 6)

F2) Fixing some of the tooling such that it covers more reviews : in particular 
matching commit messages with review headlines. This is relatively crude. 

F3) Automating dataset report generation, such that I can continue to monitor 
the situation

F4) An interesting possibility for future work is to create some kind of web 
page, which shows Active, Ongoing and Stalled reviews.

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