On 13/10/15 11:58, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, Ian Campbell wrote:
>> On Mon, 2015-10-12 at 18:18 +0100, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
>>> @@ -30,9 +38,18 @@ function ovmf_build() {
>>>      git-checkout $OVMF_URL $OVMF_REVISION ovmf-dir
>>>      cd ovmf-dir
>>> -    make -C BaseTools/Source/C
>>> -    OvmfPkg/build.sh -a X64 -b RELEASE -n 4
>>> -    cp Build/OvmfX64/RELEASE_GCC*/FV/OVMF.fd ovmf.bin
>>> +    make -C BaseTools
>>> +
>>> +    if [[ $RAISIN_ARCH = "arm64" ]]
>> Based on what I understand of the OVMF buildsystem I think you are going to
>> eventually want a case $RAISIN_ARCH here, since it seems to vary a fair
>> bit.
>>> +    then
>>> +        export GCC48_AARCH64_PREFIX=
>> Won't this (unexpectedly) leak into other subsequent component builds? Or
>> is each component built in a  fresh sub-shell?
>> What about host platforms which have a gcc other than 4.8? (e.g. Debian
>> Jessie uses 4.9 by default)
>> Should you add a comment explaining why this apparent workaround is needed?
> That is a good question. It all comes from
> https://wiki.linaro.org/LEG/UEFIforXEN, but I don't know why is
> required. Without GCC48_AARCH64_PREFIX= and -t GCC48, it won't build.

Are you sure? I'm able to build without GCC48_AARCH64_PREFIX=.

Although -t GCC48 is still required:

42sh> build -a AARCH64 -p ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtXen.dsc -b RELEASE

WORKSPACE        = /root/works/edk2
ECP_SOURCE       = /root/works/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_SOURCE       = /root/works/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EFI_SOURCE       = /root/works/edk2/EdkCompatibilityPkg
EDK_TOOLS_PATH   = /root/works/edk2/BaseTools

Architecture(s)  = AARCH64
Build target     = RELEASE
Toolchain        = MYTOOLS

Active Platform          = /root/works/edk2/ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtXen.dsc
Flash Image Definition   = /root/works/edk2/ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtXen.fdf

Processing meta-data .................

 : error F000: Nothing to build

Julien Grall

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