On Thu, 2015-10-08 at 18:04 +0100, Lars Kurth wrote:
> Hi,
> because we are now branching and opening master before the release, I
> have to make some changes to how I acknowledge Xen release contributions.
> In the past, I took the time-stamps of the two RELEASE tags for a release
> and counted contributions to xen.git and osstest.git (I didn't count qemu
> -trad)

How do the time-stamps get used? Are you doing git log --after=X -

Why don't you just look at the commits between the two tags (i.e. git log
RELEASE-4.5.0..RELEASE-4.6.0 or whatever span you are using)?

The problem with using the time-stamp on a commit is that various git
operations (git rebase, git send-email + git am) can end up preserving the
original commit date in the authors tree, which can differ quite
significantly from the date something was committed to be pushed to the

For example see this 4 commit range:

$ git log --pretty=%ai\ %h\ %s 
2014-09-08 15:24:59 +0100 4b405e6 tools/libxl: Infrastructure to convert a 
legacy stream
2015-06-12 18:19:00 +0100 bf4c9d2 tools/libxl: Infrastructure for reading a 
libxl migration v2 stream
2014-09-01 16:57:59 +0100 d3ea965 tools/libxl: Migration v2 stream format
2015-05-18 16:20:19 +0100 74a7c7a tools/python: Conversion utility for legacy 
migration streams

Those are 4 consecutive commits in the Xen history, but the author dates
(%ai) are obviously not.

Commit date (%ci) avoids this in some cases:
$ git log --pretty=%ci\ %h\ %s 
2015-07-15 11:22:53 +0100 4b405e6 tools/libxl: Infrastructure to convert a 
legacy stream
2015-07-15 11:22:53 +0100 bf4c9d2 tools/libxl: Infrastructure for reading a 
libxl migration v2 stream
2015-07-15 11:22:53 +0100 d3ea965 tools/libxl: Migration v2 stream format
2015-07-15 11:22:53 +0100 74a7c7a tools/python: Conversion utility for legacy 
migration streams

But any contribution which arrived via a git pull rather than a git am
(which isn't too many in our current workflow) would potentially suffer the
same problem in the committer date too.

This probably doesn't hurt the data too much in the grand scheme of things,
but as shown above it would potentially exclude large projects which took a
long time to complete (exactly the sort of thing which should be credited).

All the above is pretty irrelevant to your actual proposal. Onto which:

> 3: "Hypervisor other" will list contributions in a number of related
> repos that are listed, but I would use the timestamps of the release
> tags. I was planning to include the following repos: osstest.git - can
> add friends also (as testing is important), raisin, mini-os (as it used
> to be in xen.git). 

FWIW some of the "other" repos to also gain their own tags corresponding to
the release (e.g. mini-os). Where it exists I suppose it makes sense to use

> I could also include qemu-traditional into (3), which I have not counted
> in the past. So I was thinking I'd not do this. 

qemu-traditional doesn't get much traffic, but I don't see a reason to
exclude it. The separation/change you are proposing here sounds like an
ideal point to reintroduce it where it wasn't included before. 

> Also including Linux, BSD, ... is hard as  pinpointing the xen-related
> parts are too hard.

I suppose qemu-upstream falls into this bucket too? (Which I suppose mght
then be an argument for also excluding -trad?)

> Does this sounds sensible? Any objections?

The proposal looks fine to me, the above are pretty minor nits.


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