Is this still current? I made an interesting observation:

I had no problems with SPICE and vanilla Xen 4.5.1 when using it on Gentoo with glibc 2.19/gcc 4.6.4. Segfaults started when I switched to glibc 2.20/gcc 4.9.3 - I did not change Xen source code at all. All this might be related to:

Latest test with regression based on latest stable-4.5, more exactly:
Some days ago on same dom0 and domU I tried with latest stable version (that I use on only 2 production servers for now but I not saw the regression), more exactly:
Dom0 debian 7 with kernel 3.16 from backports, seabios 1.8.1-2 from unstable and this xen configure: ./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-blktap1 --disable-qemu-traditional --disable-rombios --with-system-seabios=/usr/share/seabios/bios-256k.bin --with-extra-qemuu-configure-args="--enable-spice --enable-usb-redir" --disable-blktap2

I suppose that there is unexpected case caused by a backports or missed patch/es to backports from unstable. I not found with a fast look rilevant patch to try to revert, can anyone suggest me the more probable point/s for bisect and/or patch to revert or I must try full bisect 4.5.0->stable-4.5?

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