Ian Campbell writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST] Debian: Arrange to drop "quiet" from 
command line of installed system"):
> By editing /etc/default/grub in a late command iff it exists.
> This will effect ts-debian-{hvm,di}-install as well as

> ts-host-install and hence effect guests as well as hosts.

> The overall effect is that we will log more upon guest boot as well as
              effect is correct

> on the initial host boot.

When something is effected it comes into being.

When something is affected, it is subject to an effect.

> Note that for hosts we also strip the "quiet" when updating grub as
> part of ts-xen-install, this code remains (although it won't do so
> much now).


Acked-by: Ian Jackson <ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com>

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