>>> On 08.10.15 at 15:35, <roger....@citrix.com> wrote:
> El 05/10/15 a les 12.28, Andrew Cooper ha escrit:
>> On 02/10/15 16:48, Roger Pau Monne wrote:
>>> +#define SEG(b, l, a)                                                    \
>>> +    (struct segment_register){ .sel = 0, .base = (b), .limit = (l),     \
>>> +                               .attr.bytes = (a) }
>>> +        cs = SEG(0, ~0u, 0xa9b); /* 64bit code segment. */
>>> +        ds = ss = es = SEG(0, ~0u, 0xc93);
>>> +        tr = SEG(0, 0x67, 0x8b); /* 64bit TSS (busy). */
>>> +#undef SEG
>> I would be tempted to get rid of this macro entirely.  The other macro
>> was to hide all the regs-> references, but this is entirely from constants.
> IMHO I think it makes the code easier to understand, but I'm not going
> to argue about it. Does anyone else has a preference whether to remove
> the macro or not?

I'd be slightly in favor of keeping it, unless Andrew is heavily opposed.


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