On Thu, 8 Oct 2015, Ian Campbell wrote:
> On Wed, 2015-10-07 at 19:16 +0100, Julien Grall wrote:
> > Furthermore, based on the spec (4.3.12 in IHI 0048B.b): "A register
> > field corresponding to an unimplemented interrupt is RAZ/WI."
> > 
> > If the user knows that an interrupt is not implemented, he may decide to
> > write 0 in the corresponding byte. With the current solution, the whole
> > write access is ignored.
> > 
> > The solution suggested in this patch is less restrictive and will just
> > ignore the corresponding byte if it's 0.
> I think this (a 32-bit register covering both implemented and non
> -implemented interrupts) is a compelling reason to only ignore the specific
> zero bytes and not the whole word.

I agree that zero writes to unimplemented interrupts should be allowed.
However allowing them for everything encourages 32-bit writes with just
one byte set, the one that the OS actually wants to write. It doesn't
seem correct to me. Something like:

uint32_t val = 0x2 << 8;
write32(ITARGETSR + something, val);

which I don't think is supposed to work. That said, I recognize that
this is a minor issue, so I won't insist.

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