Hi Sarah,

On Mon, Oct 05, 2015 at 09:12:47PM -0700, Sarah Newman wrote:
> On 10/05/2015 08:35 PM, Andy Smith wrote:
> > So, I've been keeping (PV) domUs topped up with entropy by giving
> > them access to hardware RNGs (initially Entropy Keys, but since the
> > company making them failed I've switched to OneRNGs).
> This is not a satisfactory solution for us because even if we were
> willing to do USB passthrough, the number of hardware devices
> needed would be expensive and difficult to manage.

I don't find it a problem as:

- Your typical EntropyKey or OneRNG can generate quite a bit of
  entropy. Maybe 32 kilobytes per second for ~$50 each.

- You can access them over the network so no USB passthrough needed.

- Making it opt-in means only people who actually know and care what
  entropy is will use it. :)

So for me it's a somewhat hacky but still scalable solution. My main
concern is that it's going to some length to provide a service that
isn't actually required.


> I'd be interested to hear any (even two word) reviews of their sofas…
Provides seating.
 — Andy Davidson

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