This is the second part of v14 Robert Ho's osstest patch series to support nested HVM tests.
It is also available here: git:// in wip.nested-hvm.v14.part1..wip.nested-hvm.v14 Compared to Robert's v13, which was passed to me by private email, * I have rebased onto current osstest pretest; * I have changed how selecthost() is told it's dealing with a nested host (in practice, L1 guest); * There are a large number of minor cleanups; * There are some new preparatory cleanup and admin patches; * I have rewritten almost all of the commit messages. However, I have done only VERY LIMITED testing. Much of the code here is UNTESTED since my changes. My testing was confined to: * Verifying that my changes to cs-adjust-flight worked * Checking that ad-hoc runs of ts-host-reboot and ts-host-powercycle seemed to work when a guest was specified on the command line. Robert, you kindly volunteered to test a revised version of this series. I would appreciate if you would check that all of this still works as you expect. I expect there will be some bugs, perhaps even very silly bugs, introduced by me. I noticed that this series lacks guest serial debug keys and log collection for the L1 guest, because there is no Osstest/Serial/ I would appreciate it if you would provide one. I don't think it needs to actually collect any logs, because the L1 serial output log will be collected as part of the L0 log collection. But it ought to support sending debug keys to the L1 guest. When you have provided it you can (in the same patch) fix the corresponding `todo' in selecthost, changing `noop' to `guest'. Workflow: Robert: I'm handing this (what I have called `part 2') over to you now. When you make changes, feel free to either rebase, or to make fixup commits (perhaps in `git-rebase -i --autosquash' format) on top. If you do the latter then you'll probably want to pass that to me as a git branch (via git push to xenbits or emailing me a git bundle), since `squash!' and `fixup!' commits don't look good in email :-). If you rebase, please put changes v15: <description of what you did> in the commit messages, as I have done myself in v14. Leave my v14 notes in place. Of course if you have any comments or queries about how I have done things, they would be very welcome. Please do not rebase any of the commits in wip.nested-hvm.v14.part1. If you discover bugs in `part 1' please let us know as I have fed that into the osstest self-test mill with the expectation that it will go into production. I do not expect you to test the changes to cs-adjust-flight. I have done that. Indeed they are not really related to the Nested HVM work and Ian C and I may pick them up in another series. Ian Campbell: You probably want to defer re-reviewing this until Robert reports back. Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <> _______________________________________________ Xen-devel mailing list