Ian Campbell writes ("[PATCH OSSTEST] Switch to merged 
qemu-xen{,-traditional}.git trees"):
> The qemu-mainline flights now push to the upstream-tested branch of
> qemu-xen.git (while still pulling from upstream).

This mostly looks fine.

How are we going to test this ?  I think the most practical approach
is to add a step to your deployment plan (after the new trees are in
place, but before the osstest force push) where you explicitly ap-push
and ap-fetch the relevant trees.  You could do the ap-push as a user
without the appropriate permissions to get a dry run.

Then if this patch needs updating it can be fixed up quite easily.

> --- a/ap-push
> +++ b/ap-push
> +qemu-upstream-*-testing)
> +     # For now also push to the old split trees for historical
> +     # branches only (qemu-upstream started with xen-4.2-testing
> +     # and the split trees end at xen-4.6-testing)
> +     case "$xenbranch" in
> +         xen-4.[23456]-testing)
> +             tree=$XENBITS:/home/xen/git/qemu-upstream-${xenbranch#xen-}.git
> +             git push $tree $revision:refs/heads/master

I think this would be clearer if not done in terms of xenbranch.  I
would use case $branch and then $branchcore.  What do you think ?


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