On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 05:28:06PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> On 09/11/15 16:10, Josh Triplett wrote:
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 01:43:53PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> >> On 09/09/15 12:48, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> >>> On 09/09/15 11:37, Ian Campbell wrote:
> >>>> On Wed, 2015-09-09 at 01:06 -0600, Jan Beulich wrote:
> >>>>>>>> On 09.09.15 at 00:23, <ler...@redhat.com> wrote:
> >>>>>> On 09/08/15 19:26, Anthony PERARD wrote:
> >>>>>>> And I get this on the console:
> >>>>>>> Welcome to GRUB!
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> !!!! X64 Exception Type - 0E(#PF - Page-Fault)  CPU Apic ID -
> >>>>>>> 00000000 !!!!
> >>>>>>> RIP  - 000000000F5F8918, CS  - 0000000000000028, RFLAGS -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000210206
> >>>>>>> ExceptionData - 0000000000000011
> >>>>>>> RAX  - 0000000000000000, RCX - 0000000007FCE000, RDX -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> RBX  - 000000000B6092C0, RSP - 000000000F5F8590, RBP -
> >>>>>>> 000000000B608EA0
> >>>>>>> RSI  - 000000000F5F8838, RDI - 000000000B608EA0
> >>>>>>> R8   - 0000000000000000, R9  - 000000000B609200, R10 -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> R11  - 000000000000000A, R12 - 0000000000000000, R13 -
> >>>>>>> 000000000000001B
> >>>>>>> R14  - 000000000B609360, R15 - 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> DS   - 0000000000000008, ES  - 0000000000000008, FS  -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000000008
> >>>>>>> GS   - 0000000000000008, SS  - 0000000000000008
> >>>>>>> CR0  - 0000000080000033, CR2 - 000000000F5F8918, CR3 -
> >>>>>>> 000000000F597000
> >>>>>>> CR4  - 0000000000000668, CR8 - 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> DR0  - 0000000000000000, DR1 - 0000000000000000, DR2 -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> DR3  - 0000000000000000, DR6 - 00000000FFFF0FF0, DR7 -
> >>>>>>> 0000000000000400
> >>>>>>> GDTR - 000000000F57BF18 000000000000003F, LDTR - 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> IDTR - 000000000EEA5018 0000000000000FFF,   TR - 0000000000000000
> >>>>>>> FXSAVE_STATE - 000000000F5F81F0
> >>>>>>> !!!! Find PE image 
> >>>>>> /build/xen-unstable/src/xen-unstable/tools/firmware/ovmf-dir
> >>>>>> -remote/Build
> >>>>>> /OvmfX64/DEBUG_GCC49/X64/IntelFrameworkModulePkg/Universal/StatusCode/R
> >>>>>> untime
> >>>>>> Dxe/StatusCodeRuntimeDxe/DEBUG/StatusCodeRuntimeDxe.dll 
> >>>>>> (ImageBase=000000000F556000, EntryPoint=000000000F55628F) !!!!
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> I did check with other guest (Windows, Ubuntu, Debian Jessie), and
> >>>>>>> they are
> >>>>>>> working correctly. Debian Wheezy is the only one that fail.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I don't have an environment to reproduce this in. I think we should try
> >>>>>> to understand this problem better, before deciding how to make it go
> >>>>>> away.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Please locate the "StatusCodeRuntimeDxe.debug" file in your Build
> >>>>>> directory (ie. under the location listed in the error report). Then,
> >>>>>> please disassemble it with "objdump -S". The fault location in the
> >>>>>> disassembly can be found based on RIP, ImageBase and EntryPoint;
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I don't think the exact instruction at that address really matters. The
> >>>>> main question appears to be why RIP and RSP both point into the
> >>>>> same page (see also the subject of Anthony's mail).
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm not 100% what is going on,
> >>>
> >>> me neither :)
> >>>
> >>>> but if this (executable code on stack) is
> >>>> happening in grub is there something which is explicitly forbidden to 
> >>>> UEFI
> >>>> apps by the UEFI spec?
> >>>
> >>> Yes, there is. This small OvmfPkg patch only enables the edk2 feature
> >>> added by Star Zeng in
> >>> <https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/commit/5630cdfe> for OVMF. That patch
> >>> (also referenced in my commit message by SVN rev) says,
> >>>
> >>>     This feature is added for UEFI spec that says
> >>>     "Stack may be marked as non-executable in identity mapped page
> >>>     tables".
> >>>     A PCD PcdSetNxForStack is added to turn on/off this feature, and it
> >>>     is FALSE by default.
> >>>
> >>> A UEFI app runs (well, *starts*, anyway) before ExitBootServices() /
> >>> SetVirtualAddressMap(), so it's bound by the above.
> >>>
> >>> The spec passage above is quoted from "2.3.2 IA-32 Platforms", and
> >>> "2.3.4 x64 Platforms", in chapter "2.3 Calling Conventions", where the
> >>> boot services time environment is specified.
> >>>
> >>> This is new in UEFI-2.5, and it comes from Mantis ticket 1224: "Adding
> >>> support for No executable data areas".
> >>>
> >>> ... The question could be then if grub (in Wheezy) should be adapted to
> >>> UEFI-2.5 (if that's possible) or if OVMF should be built without this
> >>> feature.
> >>>
> >>> Hmmm. Actually, I'm torn about the default for PcdSetNxForStack.
> >>>
> >>> Namely, Mantis ticket 1224 has come up before. There's another edk2
> >>> sub-feature related to this UEFI spec feature / Mantis ticket; the
> >>> properties table (controlled by "PcdPropertiesTableEnable"), and the
> >>> effects it has on the UEFI memory map, and the requirements it presents
> >>> for UEFI OSes.
> >>>
> >>> *That* sub-feature is extremely intrusive.
> >>> "MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec" sets "PcdPropertiesTableEnable" TRUE by
> >>> default, and OvmfPkg inherits it. I have not overridden that default
> >>> just yet in OvmfPkg because the properties table feature depends on
> >>> something *else* too: sections in runtime DXE driver binaries must be
> >>> aligned at 4KB, and that is not ensured for OvmfPkg (yet?). Therefore,
> >>> the properties table feature is not active in OVMF at the moment due to
> >>> a "random build tools circumstance" -- and not because the feature flag
> >>> is actually disabled.
> >>>
> >>> Now, the properties table feature absolutely cannot be (effectively)
> >>> enabled in OVMF as a default. It would break Windows 7 / Windows Server
> >>> 2008 R2. A huge number of users run such guests for GPU passthrough.
> >>>
> >>> The idea that just crossed my mind was to introduce a new build flag for
> >>> OVMF, like -D NOEXEC_DATA_ENABLE. And this would then control
> >>> PcdSetNxForStack *and* PcdPropertiesTableEnable *together*:
> >>>
> >>>   PcdSetNxForStack := TRUE
> >>>   PcdPropertiesTableEnable := TRUE
> >>> else
> >>>   PcdSetNxForStack := FALSE
> >>>   PcdPropertiesTableEnable := FALSE
> >>>
> >>> However, I think that's a bad idea.
> >>>
> >>> "PcdPropertiesTableEnable" breaks a very widely used guest OS for which
> >>> there is no update in sight (ie. no Service Pack 2 for Windows 7 /
> >>> Windows Server 2008 R2), but is otherwise supposed to be supported for
> >>> years to come.
> >>>
> >>> Whereas Debian Wheezy is not as widely used as a guest (for one: it
> >>> "competes" with all the other Linux distros from the same timeframe).
> >>> Debian Wheezy also provides a quite non-intrusive upgrade path (to
> >>> Jessie), which is not the case for Windows 7. So the breakage casued by
> >>> setting PcdSetNxForStack has much smaller impact, I think, and the
> >>> benefits might outweigh the breakage.
> >>>
> >>> Which just means that a heavy-handed -D NOEXEC_DATA_ENABLE, like above,
> >>> would not be appropriate. PcdSetNxForStack set, and
> >>> PcdPropertiesTableEnable clear, is a valid configuration.
> >>>
> >>> In any case, I sort of convinced myself that Wheezy's grub is not at
> >>> fault; it was simply written against an earlier release of the UEFI spec.
> >>>
> >>> How about this:
> >>>
> >>> - (somewhat unrelatedly, but for completeness):
> >>>   I post a patch that exposes PcdPropertiesTableEnable with a build
> >>>   time flag (NX_PROP_TABLE_ENABLE) with an OVMF-default of FALSE,
> >>>
> >>> - I post another patch that exposes PcdSetNxForStack with a build time
> >>>   flag (NX_STACK_ENABLE) with an OVMF-default of *TRUE*. You could then
> >>>   pass -D NX_STACK_ENABLE=FALSE when you build OVMF for any environment
> >>>   where Wheezy guests are expected.
> >>>
> >>> Jordan?
> >>>
> >>> Yet another (quite complex) possibility:
> >>>
> >>> - According to "MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec",
> >>>   a platform DSC can already type PcdPropertiesTableEnable as a dynamic
> >>>   PCD. We could allow the same for PcdSetNxForStack. Star?
> >>>
> >>>   Both PCDs are consumed "acceptably late" (the first in the DXE core,
> >>>   the second in the DXE IPL PEIM). This would allow
> >>>   OvmfPkg/PlatformPei to set the PCDs dynamically.
> >>>
> >>> - Then the question is how we pass in the PCD values from the outside.
> >>>   For QEMU/KVM virtual machines, we could use Gabriel's QEMU feature
> >>>
> >>>   -fw_cfg name=opt/my_item_name,file=./my_blob.bin
> >>>
> >>>   ie. no changes for QEMU would be necessary. Xen virtual machines
> >>>   don't have fw_cfg however, therefore "some other" info passing should
> >>>   be implemented in "OvmfPkg/PlatformPei/Xen.c", and (I assume!) in the
> >>>   host-side Xen tools as well.
> >>>
> >>> Personally I think that this dynamic approach is overkill (mainly
> >>> because I'm fine with being unable to install Debian Wheezy guests, both
> >>> wearing and not wearing my red fedora; and because the properties table
> >>> feature is not active for *any* OVMF guests anyway, in practice).
> >>>
> >>> So I'd like to ask you guys to decide which one you prefer: a simple
> >>> build time flag called NX_STACK_ENABLE (which will allow you to install
> >>> Wheezy guests, but deprive all other guests from a non-exec stack), or
> >>> the dynamic switches (which will take host-side work in Xen, plus a
> >>> matching OvmfPkg patch).
> >>
> >> I might go ahead and implement the -fw_cfg solution (for when OVMF runs
> >> on QEMU), leaving any parallel Xen functionality to Xen developers, for
> >> later.
> >>
> >> Because, I just found out that the GRUB binary built into the bits-2005
> >> release ISO <http://biosbits.org/download/> blows up the exact same way,
> >> and *that* is very annoying to me personally.
> >>
> >> Maybe we should invert the default. I'm not so convinced any longer that
> >> the current default is right. I didn't know that the GRUB version with
> >> code on the stack was this wide-spread.
> > 
> > Heh.  Our fault for still using old (2.00) GRUB2, which we do plan to
> > upgrade at some point, though doing so doesn't top the TODO list.  But I
> > do agree that with OVMF not having previously enforced NX in the UEFI
> > environment, going from that to immediately enforcing it *by default*
> > seems a bit quick.  I would be surprised if doing so didn't break other
> > UEFI programs too.
> > 
> > Could OVMF build with NX support available, but disabled by default, so
> > that qemu can then turn it *on* with a -fw_cfg option?
> It would be possible, yes.
> I just posted a patch series that adds that dynamism, but it leaves the
> NX stack turned on by default. (Ie. one needs to add the cmdline option
> to turn it off.) If there's consensus to revert the default to off, I
> can submit a v2.
> > Do any UEFI stacks on systems in the wild have NX turned on?  I don't
> > think it makes sense for OVMF to enable NX by default until a majority
> > of new physical systems do so.
> For me that's not so clear-cut. OVMF is frequently used as a UEFI
> development environment (it's better to brick a virtual machine than
> your physical dev platform...), so upstream should embrace new UEFI
> features reasonably early, unless there are *grave* regressions.
> One example I named was the properties table feature (new in UEFI-2.5).
> It would break Windows 7. Given the large number of users running
> Windows 7 on OVMF (mainly for GPU passthrough), such a regression would
> be serious.
> Breaking Debian Wheezy's and BITS's GRUB is also bad, but the former is
> very old (and has a clear upgrade path), while the latter is mainly used
> by developers (who can learn about the -fw_cfg switch by googling or
> asking on the least without huge trouble). In this case I'm leaning
> towards OVMF being "bleeding edge" by default. But, I could be convinced
> otherwise.

I certainly think it makes sense for OVMF to adopt the feature sooner
than normal, and I agree that OVMF serves as a test case.  But going
directly from "not possible to turn on" to "turned on by default",
without any period of "off by default but possible to turn on", seems a
bit unfortunate.

That said, we could certainly fix BITS to use newer GRUB2, and use
(and document) -fw_cfg in the meantime.  So I won't push *too* hard for
changing the default, just mildly.

On a vaguely related note, what's the canonical place to report bugs in
OVMF?  Github issues on tianocore/edk2 (which a few people have filed
issues on) or tianocore/edk2-OvmfPkg (which nobody has filed issues on),
or some other bug tracker I'm unaware of and haven't found a link to?

- Josh Triplett

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