So can Xen change log level dynamically like Linux? If yes, we might
change this level temporarily while passing through IGD. If not, any
First of all you could boot without lowering the log level (non-debug
builds) or raising the log level ("loglvl=warning"; debug builds). But
Sorry I don't know how to build "non-debug" here. Could you give me this
detail? Or where I can get this info?
that would change the log level for the entire session, which may
not be what you're after. I too realized that having a way to
dynamically adjust the log level would be useful occasionally. For
post-4.6 I have a patch (attached) ready allowing to do so in a
limited way from the serial console (and hence also via "xl debug-key").
As you'll see in there I also took note of it probably being desirable
to have a sysctl (and then a wrapping xl command) to full control the
log level. I didn't get around to implement that yet.
Good to know this.
Otoh the specific messages you cite are of quite questionable use
in the first place. I certainly would welcome a patch lowering their
priority to XENLOG_G_DEBUG (which however would still not
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