On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 04:28:02PM +0800, He Chen wrote:
> +Code/Data Prioritization (CDP) Technology is an extension of CAT, which is
> +available on Intel Broadwell and later server platforms. CDP enables 
> isolation
> +and separate prioritization of code and data fetches to the L3 cache in a
> +software configurable manner, which can enable workload prioritization and
> +tuning of cache capacity to the characteristics of the workload. CDP extends
> +Cache Allocation Technology (CAT) by providing separate code and data masks
> +per Class of Service (COS).
> +
> +CDP is disabled on the processor by default. If the CAT MSRs are used without
> +enabling CDP, the processor operates in a traditional CAT-only mode.
> +
> +When CDP is enabled,
> +
> + * the CAT mask MSRs are re-mapped into interleaved pairs of mask MSRs for
> +   data or code fetches.
> +
> + * the range of COS for CAT is re-indexed, with the lower-half of the COS
> +   range available for CDP.
> +
> +CDP allows OS or

Line wrap. Join next line here.

> +Hypervisor to partition cache allocation more fine-grained, code cache and
> +data cache can be specified respectively. To enable CDP on platform, all
> +sockets in the platform must have CDP either enabled or disabled, not a mix.
> +With CDP enabled, one COS corresponds to two CBMs(code CBM & data CBM),

Space before '('.

> +which means the number of available COS will reduce to half when CDP on.
> +

when CDP is on.

I went over this document to get an idea how this feature is supposed to
work and pointed out the obvious defects.

It would better if a native English speaker can go over this.


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