> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Jackson [mailto:ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2015 11:27 PM
> To: Hu, Robert
> Cc: Ian Campbell; wei.l...@citrix.com; xen-devel@lists.xen.org
> Subject: RE: OSSTEST -- nested test case development, RFC: ts-guest-destroy
> doesn't call guest_await_dhcp_tcp() if guest has fixed IP
> Hu, Robert writes ("RE: OSSTEST -- nested test case development, RFC:
> ts-guest-destroy doesn't call guest_await_dhcp_tcp() if guest has fixed IP"):
> > So shall I conclude as following?:
> > 1. Xen install shall create xenbr0 bridge with dhcp mode; Apply to
> > both L0 and L1.
> I think ts-xen-install should respect the existing configuration for
> the primary network device, rather than insisting it be static, or
> insisting it be dhcp.
Yes, in fact it is the only network interface (eth0 before Xen intall; xenbr0 
Xen install, eth0 becomes its slave right now).
So you won't object turn xenbr0 config to 'dhcp' as following, right?
diff --git a/ts-xen-install b/ts-xen-install
index 0f53382..74104cb 100755
--- a/ts-xen-install
+++ b/ts-xen-install
@@ -301,10 +301,7 @@ END
             if (m/^\s* iface \s+ (?: $physif | xenbr0 ) \s+ inet \s /x) {
                 $suppress= 1;
                 print EO <<END;
-iface $iface inet static
-    address $ho->{Ip}
-    netmask $netmask
-    gateway $gateway
+iface $iface inet dhcp
> > 2. in each selecthost invoke, query DHCP lease for host's IP. (This
> > assumes no more fixed IP used in any cases).
> We should continue to use fixed IP addresses where we have them.
Then I'm not confident to change selecthost(). Would you help give me
the patch addressing this?
> Ian.

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