On Wed, 2015-08-12 at 15:08 +0100, Ian Campbell wrote:
> I think I need to do something with check_tested to find a flight in the
> database.

I came up with this incremental patch. I need to generate an up to date
baseline for a flight on the Cambridge infra in order to fully test all the
cases so I'm just running a linux-arm-xen flight (it doesn't change often
and only has a handful of jobs). I'll repost once that is done and I've
tested some more.

diff --git a/cr-daily-branch b/cr-daily-branch
index 4b9b525..f9edbd4 100755
--- a/cr-daily-branch
+++ b/cr-daily-branch
@@ -100,6 +100,13 @@ if [ "x$OSSTEST_BASELINES_ONLY" = xy ] ; then
+    if [ "x$treeurl" != xnone: ]; then
+       treearg=--tree-$tree=$treeurl
+    fi
+    tested_revision=`check_tested $treearg --print-revision=$tree`
+    if [ "x$tested_revision" != x ]; then
+       OLD_REVISION="$tested_revision"
+    fi
 elif [ "x$OSSTEST_NO_BASELINE" != xy ] ; then
        testedflight=`check_tested --revision-$tree="$OLD_REVISION"`

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