Signed-off-by: Wei Liu <>
For 4.6: pure doc changes, risk free.
 tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c | 30 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
index 57581e0..72f531b 100644
--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
+++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_core.c
@@ -1886,21 +1886,21 @@ static void usage(void)
 "where options may include:\n"
-"  --no-domain-init    to state that xenstored should not initialise dom0,\n"
-"  --pid-file <file>   giving a file for the daemon's pid to be written,\n"
-"  --help              to output this message,\n"
-"  --no-fork           to request that the daemon does not fork,\n"
-"  --output-pid        to request that the pid of the daemon is output,\n"
-"  --trace-file <file> giving the file for logging, and\n"
-"  --entry-nb <nb>     limit the number of entries per domain,\n"
-"  --entry-size <size> limit the size of entry per domain, and\n"
-"  --watch-nb <nb>     limit the number of watches per domain,\n"
-"  --transaction <nb>  limit the number of transaction allowed per domain,\n"
-"  --no-recovery       to request that no recovery should be attempted when\n"
-"                      the store is corrupted (debug only),\n"
-"  --internal-db       store database in memory, not on disk\n"
-"  --preserve-local    to request that /local is preserved on start-up,\n"
-"  --verbose           to request verbose execution.\n");
+"  -D, --no-domain-init    to state that xenstored should not initialise 
+"  -F, --pid-file <file>   giving a file for the daemon's pid to be written,\n"
+"  -H, --help              to output this message,\n"
+"  -N, --no-fork           to request that the daemon does not fork,\n"
+"  -P, --output-pid        to request that the pid of the daemon is output,\n"
+"  -T, --trace-file <file> giving the file for logging, and\n"
+"  -E, --entry-nb <nb>     limit the number of entries per domain,\n"
+"  -S, --entry-size <size> limit the size of entry per domain, and\n"
+"  -W, --watch-nb <nb>     limit the number of watches per domain,\n"
+"  -t, --transaction <nb>  limit the number of transaction allowed per 
+"  -R, --no-recovery       to request that no recovery should be attempted 
+"                          the store is corrupted (debug only),\n"
+"  -I, --internal-db       store database in memory, not on disk\n"
+"  -L, --preserve-local    to request that /local is preserved on start-up,\n"
+"  -V, --verbose           to request verbose execution.\n");

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