On 04/08/15 11:06, Ian Campbell wrote:
>>>> +
>>>> +     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7 octet
>>>> +    +------------------------+------------------------+
>>>> +    | emulator_id            | index                  |
>>>> +    +------------------------+------------------------+
>>>> +    | record specific data                            |
>>>> +    ...
>>>> +    +-------------------------------------------------+
>>>> +
>>>> +--------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> +Field            Description
>>>> +------------     ---------------------------------------------------
>>>> +emulator_id      0x00000000: Unknown (In the case of a legacy 
>>>> stream)
>>>> +
>>>> +                 0x00000001: Qemu Traditional
>>>> +
>>>> +                 0x00000002: Qemu Upstream
>>>> +
>>>> +                 0x00000003 - 0xFFFFFFFF: Reserved for future 
>>>> emulators.
>>>> +
>>>> +index            Index of this emulator for the domain, if multiple
>>>> +                 emulators are in use.
>>> This is old wording, but what value does this take if no emulators are 
>>> in
>>> use? If the answer is "undefined" then I suppose there is a field 
>>> somewhere
>>> else which indicates the number of emulators?
>> If no emulators are in use, the record is not sent in the first place.
> Sorry, I meant no multiple emulators. Which is a complicated way of saying
> one...
> I saw in a later patch that this field appears to be zero then, which is
> reasonable and removes the need to treat multiple emulators specially. IOW
> I think you could just remove the second clause above.

Ah yes - I will make that adjustment.


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