Ian Campbell writes ("[RFC for-4.7] Switching to a single qemu tree each per 
qemu-xen and qemu-trad"):
> qemu-xen-traditional:
>     XXX why do staging/* exist, and what pushes from staging to the other?
>     Should we ditch one or the other?

Once upon a time, some of these had their own push gate.  They are
nowadays always pushed together.  The staging branches should be

> The main open question is what to do about the existing split repos for
> existing stable branches. We could:
>       * Teach osstest (ap-push) to push to the old tree as well as the new
>         for existing (<= 4.6) branches only.
>       * Push a Config.mk update to every stable branch and retire the
>         existing trees on the next relevant point release, if there is one.

We could do both of these, so we have a transitional period.


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