On 22/07/15 14:39, Julien Grall wrote:
> On 22/07/15 14:31, Vijay Kilari wrote:
>>>> +    p->desc = desc;
>>> This should have happened during routing, not now.
>> While routing we don't have vlpi to update p->desc.
> Why do you need the p->desc? You don't use at all the p->desc during the
> injection because you replaced all the
> if ( p->desc ) by if ( p->desc && !is_lpi(p->irq) )

Looking to the spec (ARM IHI 0069A section 5.4):

"Because an LPI does not have an active state, it is not possible to
associate a virtual LPI with a physical interrupt."

So it looks like to me that we never need the IRQ desc for LPI.

Furthermore, it may need some care in gic_update_one_lr given that the
active bit is never set.


Julien Grall

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