>>> On 14.07.15 at 02:26, <tiejun.c...@intel.com> wrote:
>> > 1. clarify the state of patch series / feature.
>>> Reviewed    Acked   RMRR series v7
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 01/16] xen: introduce 
>>> XENMEM_reserved_device_memory_map
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 02/16] xen/vtd: create RMRR mapping
>>> Y           N       [v7][PATCH 03/16] xen/passthrough: extend hypercall to 
>>> support rdm
>>> reservation policy
>> I can't seem to find any such Reviewed-by on the list (and the patch
>> itself doesn't carry one either).
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 04/16] xen: enable XENMEM_memory_map in hvm
>>> Y           N       [v7][PATCH 05/16] hvmloader: get guest memory map into 
>>> memory_map[]
>>> Y           N       [v7][PATCH 06/16] hvmloader/pci: skip reserved ranges
>> Same here.
>>> Y           N       [v7][PATCH 07/16] hvmloader/e820: construct guest e820 
>>> table
>> And again.
> Sorry this is my fault to these hv patches.
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 08/16] tools/libxc: Expose new hypercall
>>> xc_reserved_device_memory_map
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 09/16] tools: extend xc_assign_device() to 
>>> support rdm
>>> reservation policy
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 10/16] tools: introduce some new parameters 
>>> to set rdm
>>> policy
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 11/16] tools/libxl: detect and avoid 
>>> conflicts with RDM
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 12/16] tools: introduce a new parameter to 
>>> set a
>>> predefined rdm boundary
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 13/16] libxl: construct e820 map with RDM 
>>> information
>>> for HVM guest
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 14/16] xen/vtd: enable USB device assignment
>>> Y           Y       [v7][PATCH 15/16] xen/vtd: prevent from assign the 
>>> device with
>>> shared rmrr
>> And yet again for these two. Please avoid giving a false impression
> But these two patches really won Kevin's Ack, and also I wrote this line
> Acked-by: Kevin Tian <kevin.t...@intel.com>
> both in these two patches.

But talk here is about their review status, not who ack-ed them (and
an ack by other than  a maintainer of the affected code is not very
meaningful anyway).


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