On Tue, 2015-06-30 at 16:44 +0000, Korupol, Naveen (EXT) wrote:
> Hi Ian
> After little more debugging, I found that the dtb that I am using to launch 
> Xen and Linux is good until Linux starts to boot.
> There is a little pause in the console after Xen boot completes and Linux 
> boot log shows up.
> During this window of time, console input still works...Ctrl-a sequence also 
> works,
> Which makes the dtb out of the culprits list.
> But after the Linux boot, and at the login prompt...input control is lost. 
> Ctrl-a also doesn’t work.
> I am still unable to find out what is making the launch of Linux to lose 
> input control over the console.
> ( I tried getty on hvc0 and standard console as well...just in case...both 
> lead to the same behavior )

Does adding "clk_ignore_unused" to your kernel command line help?

That options stops Linux disabling clocks which are (unbeknownst to it)
in use by Xen. (Yes, we need a better answer for this...)


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