2015-06-25 5:15 GMT-07:00 Dario Faggioli <dario.faggi...@citrix.com>:
> and of (almost every) direct use of cpupool_online_cpumask().
> In fact, what we really want for the most of the times,
> is the set of valid pCPUs of the cpupool a certain domain
> is part of. Furthermore, in case it's called with a NULL
> pool as argument, cpupool_scheduler_cpumask() does more
> harm than good, by returning the bitmask of free pCPUs!
> This commit, therefore:
>  * gets rid of cpupool_scheduler_cpumask(), in favour of
>    cpupool_domain_cpumask(), which makes it more evident
>    what we are after, and accommodates some sanity checking;
>  * replaces some of the calls to cpupool_online_cpumask()
>    with calls to the new functions too.
> Signed-off-by: Dario Faggioli <dario.faggi...@citrix.com>
> ---
> Cc: George Dunlap <george.dun...@eu.citrix.com>
> Cc: Juergen Gross <jgr...@suse.com>
> Cc: Robert VanVossen <robert.vanvos...@dornerworks.com>
> Cc: Josh Whitehead <josh.whiteh...@dornerworks.com>
> Cc: Meng Xu <men...@cis.upenn.edu>
> Cc: Sisu Xi <xis...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  xen/common/domain.c         |    5 +++--
>  xen/common/domctl.c         |    4 ++--
>  xen/common/sched_arinc653.c |    2 +-
>  xen/common/sched_credit.c   |    6 +++---
>  xen/common/sched_rt.c       |   12 ++++++------
>  xen/common/sched_sedf.c     |    2 +-
>  xen/common/schedule.c       |    2 +-
>  xen/include/xen/sched-if.h  |   12 ++++++++++--
>  8 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

As to xen/common/sched_rt.c:

Reviewed-by: Meng Xu <men...@cis.upenn.edu>



Meng Xu
PhD Student in Computer and Information Science
University of Pennsylvania

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