This is much faster.  It might short-change unpopular hosts rather;
hence the change of the limit fudge factor from 2 to 3.

Signed-off-by: Ian Jackson <>
 sg-report-host-history |   96 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sg-report-host-history b/sg-report-host-history
index b3ef63e..bab636e 100755
--- a/sg-report-host-history
+++ b/sg-report-host-history
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ use DBI;
 use Osstest;
 use IO::Handle;
 use HTML::Entities;
+use POSIX;
 use Osstest::Executive qw(:DEFAULT :colours);
@@ -103,6 +104,50 @@ sub jobquery ($$) {
     return $q->fetchrow_hashref();
+our %hosts;
+sub mainquery () {
+    our $valcond = join " OR ", map { "val = ?" } keys %hosts;
+    our @params = keys %hosts;
+    our $runvarq //= db_prepare(<<END);
+       SELECT flight, job, name, val
+         FROM runvars
+        WHERE $namecond
+          AND ($valcond)
+          AND $flightcond
+        ORDER BY flight DESC
+        LIMIT ($limit * 3 + 100) * ?
+    push @params, scalar keys %hosts;
+    our $endedq //= db_prepare(<<END);
+       SELECT finished, testid, status AS laststepstatus
+         FROM steps
+        WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND finished IS NOT NULL
+        ORDER BY finished DESC
+        LIMIT 1
+    $runvarq->execute(@params);
+    print DEBUG "FIRST PASS\n";
+    while (my $jr= $runvarq->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+       print DEBUG "JOB $jr->{flight}.$jr->{job} ";
+       my $endedrow = jobquery($endedq, $jr);
+       if (!$endedrow) {
+           print DEBUG "no-finished\n";
+           next;
+       }
+       print DEBUG join " ", map { $endedrow->{$_} } sort keys %$endedrow;
+       print DEBUG ".\n";
+       push @{ $hosts{$jr->{val}} }, { %$jr, %$endedrow };
+    }
 sub reporthost ($) {
     my ($hostname) = @_;
@@ -128,24 +173,6 @@ sub reporthost ($) {
     print H "</tr>\n";
-    our $runvarq //= db_prepare(<<END);
-       SELECT flight, job, name, val
-         FROM runvars
-        WHERE $namecond
-          AND val = ?
-          AND $flightcond
-        ORDER BY flight DESC
-        LIMIT $limit * 2 + 100
-    our $endedq //= db_prepare(<<END);
-       SELECT finished, testid, status AS laststepstatus
-         FROM steps
-        WHERE flight=? AND job=? AND finished IS NOT NULL
-        ORDER BY finished DESC
-        LIMIT 1
     our $infoq //= db_prepare(<<END);
        SELECT blessing, branch, intended, status
          FROM flights
@@ -162,27 +189,10 @@ END
         LIMIT 1
-    print DEBUG "QUERYING RUNVARS FOR $hostname\n";
     my @rows;
-    $runvarq->execute($hostname);
-    print DEBUG "FIRST PASS\n";
-    while (my $jr= $runvarq->fetchrow_hashref()) {
-       print DEBUG "JOB $jr->{flight}.$jr->{job} ";
-       my $endedrow = jobquery($endedq, $jr);
-       if (!$endedrow) {
-           print DEBUG "no-finished\n";
-           next;
-       }
-       print DEBUG join " ", map { $endedrow->{$_} } sort keys %$endedrow;
-       print DEBUG ".\n";
+    @rows = @{ $hosts{$hostname} };
-       push @rows, { %$jr, %$endedrow };
-    }
-    print DEBUG "FOUND ", (scalar @rows), " ROWS\n";
+    print DEBUG "FOUND ", (scalar @rows), " ROWS for $hostname\n";
     @rows = sort { $b->{finished} <=> $a->{finished} } @rows;
     $#rows = $limit-1 if @rows > $limit;
@@ -251,8 +261,6 @@ $dbh_tests->do("SET LOCAL enable_seqscan=false");
 # of the runvars table, rather than walking backwards through the
 # flights until it has what we've told it is enough.
-our %hosts;
 foreach my $host (@ARGV) {
     if ($host =~ m/^flight:/) {
        my $flight=$'; #';
@@ -265,16 +273,22 @@ foreach my $host (@ARGV) {
            while (my $row = $hostsinflightq->fetchrow_hashref()) {
-               $hosts{$row->{val}}++;
+               $hosts{$row->{val}} = [ ];
     } elsif ($host !~ m/:/) {
-       $hosts{$host}++;
+       $hosts{$host} = [ ];
     } else {
        die "$host ?";
+exit 0 unless %hosts;
+db_retry($dbh_tests, [qw(flights)], sub {
+    mainquery();
 foreach my $host (sort keys %hosts) {
     db_retry($dbh_tests, [qw(flights)], sub {
        reporthost $host;

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