On Fri, 2015-06-12 at 16:27 +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> Pang, LongtaoX writes ("RE: [OSSTEST Nested PATCH v11 6/7] Compose the main 
> recipe of nested test job"):
> > > From: Ian Jackson [mailto:ian.jack...@eu.citrix.com]
> ...
> > > leak-check compares the set of objects present at the `leak-check
> > > check' step with the set of objects present at the `basis' step, and
> > > the check fails if there are any new objects.  For this purpose,
> > > objects includes domains, corefiles, etc.
> > > 
> > OK, so the recipe in sg-run-job should be like below, please correct me if 
> > something wrong.
> > proc need-hosts/test-nested {} {return host}
> > proc run-job/test-nested {} {
> This is roughly right, but thinking about it, you want ts-logs-capture
> to run even if the previous steps fail.
> I think it might be better to reuse (subvert?) the existing machinery
> in sg-run-job, by adding the l1 to need_xen_hosts.
> Maybe something like
>   proc add-xen-host-retrospectively {ident} {
>       global need_xen_hosts
>       ts-leak-check $ident + basis
>       lappend need_xen_hosts $ident
>   }
> ?
> And then call
>   add-xen-host-retrospectively l1
> at the appropriate point.
Thanks Ian J.. Since I'm not familiar with tcl and your sg-run-job
framework, does here 'appropriate point' refers to before
        per-host-ts .       =(*)             {ts-leak-check basis}
in proc run-job {job}? but then l1 doesn't exist yet I'm afraid.
If after that point, the l1 has missd check basis step.
> If you do this then the main run-job proc will automatically do the
> leak-check and the logs-capture for you.
> Thinking about this leads me to ask another question.  Suppose that a
> bug causes the l1 to lock up completely.  ts-logs-capture will attempt
> to hard reboot a locked-up host.  If it can't fetch any logs, it calls
>     target_reboot_hard($ho);
> What will that do if $ho refers to the l1 ?  It relies on the power
> method.  Does your nested l1 "host" have a power method ?
I'm afraid l1 won't like normal hosts has power cycle operations. Maybe
we need to simulate it?
> Ian.

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