On Tue, 2015-05-26 at 17:08 +0800, longtao.pang wrote:
> 1. The default disk size for guest is '10000M' which is not sufficient
> for nested HVM guest, using larger disk size for nested guest
> to accommodate to nested test requirement, the specific disk_size is
> defined by make-flight.
> 2. In L1 installation context, assign more memory (defined in runvar) to
> it; Since it acts as a nested hypervisor anyway.
> 3. Comment out CDROM entry in sources.list to make HTTP URL entry
> available for L1 hvm guest.
> 4. Enable nestedhvm feature in 'ExtraConfig' for nested job.
> Signed-off-by: longtao.pang <longtaox.p...@intel.com>

Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com>

One query:
> @@ -174,13 +185,18 @@ sub prep () {
>      if ($host_freemem_mb > $ram_lots * 2 + $ram_minslop) {
>          $ram_mb = $ram_lots;
>      } else {
> -        $ram_mb = 768;
> +        # Use guest_var to get specific memsize, or will use default '768'
> +        $ram_mb= guest_var($gho,'memsize',768);

I think this only happens if the host has less than "$ram_lots * 2 +
$ram_minslop" (==10100M) free, otherwise you get $ram_lots (5000M),
which might be less than the runvar asked for...

Perhaps what we really want (maybe in a followup patch is):

        $ram_mb = guest_var($gho,'memsize',undef);
        if (!$ram_mb) {
             if ($host_freemem_mb > $ram_lots * 2 + $ram_minslop) {
                  $ram_mb = $ram_lots;
             } else {
                  $ram_mb = 768;

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