On Wed, 2015-05-13 at 06:01 +0100, wei.l...@citrix.com wrote:

> = Prognosis =
> The states are: none -> fair -> ok -> good -> done
> none - nothing yet
> fair - still working on it, patches are prototypes or RFC
> ok   - patches posted, acting on review
> good - some last minute pieces
> done - all done, might have bugs

> == Hypervisor == 

> *  Credit2: introduce per-vcpu hard and soft affinity (good)
>   -  Justin T. Weaver
I was wondering whether it would make sense to break this in two:

 * Credit2: introduce per-vcpu hard affinity
   Justin T. Weaver

The status of this is certainly good, as the code, in the last round of
patches, was almost good enough for going in (just some adjustments

 * Credit2: introduce per-vcpu soft affinity

The status of this is probably better captured by 'fair', as there is
still some work to do.

Also, Justin, sorry but I forgot what your deadline was, as IITR you
were doing this for some university course, activity. Since I think it
may have passed, are you still up for finishing this?

I don't want to push, of course, I just wanted to know, to be able to
make more accurate plans. :-)

Thanks and Regards,

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