Stefano Stabellini writes ("Re: [PATCH v5] OSSTEST: introduce a raisin build 
> On Tue, 12 May 2015, Ian Jackson wrote:
> > I don't understand what the \\ are doing here.  Perhaps you should use
> > '' like in ts-xen-build ?
> I need to retain the " in the output

raisin doesn't cope with '' in the config file ?

> > This is very repetitive.  In ts-xen-build, the names of the variables
> > are irregular, but here they are regular.  I think you should refactor
> > this accordingly.
> I think that the cure here would be worse than the disease. In bash
> would be fragile and difficult to read, but you probably would do it in
> perl, right? In that case I don't know how it would look like; in fact I
> wouldn't know how to write it. However if you are keen on it, feel free
> to provide a snippet of code and I'll try to include it in the patch.

Yes, it should be done in perl.  Something like:

    foreach my $treename (qw(xen seabios blah blah)) {
        $buildcmd .= <<END;
            echo >>config \U$treename\E_URL='$r{"tree_$treename"}'
            echo >>config \U$treename\E_REVISION='$r{"revision_$treename"}'

(Untested; adjust to taste.)

> > Again, this is copied from ts-xen-build.
> Yes, it is. If this is not a descriptive comment, what would you have me
> do? I could move trapping somewhere else common, but I don't think that
> generalizing divide and stash is a good idea.

divide should be moved into BuildSupport, probably.  There, it would
need a slightly longer name, and perhaps to take some more of its
variables as parameters.

It doesn't need to be "generalised", since you want it basically


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