Ian Campbell writes ("[OSSTEST v6 13/24] distros: support PV guest install from 
Debian netinst media."):
> The netinst media are iso images containing a base Debian install and
> some (image size dependent) additional tasks.

Most of this looks good to me.

> +     amd64 => { PathArch => "multi-arch", FileArch => "amd64-i386", IsoPath 
> => "/install.amd/xen" },
> +     i386  => { PathArch => "multi-arch", FileArch => "amd64-i386", IsoPath 
> => "/install.386/xen" },
> +     armhf => { PathArch => "armhf",      FileArch => "armhf",      IsoPath 
> => "/install.armhf" }

Wrap damage on my screen.  I appreciate that you want to retain the
tabular nature, but perhaps 

    my %arch_props = (
        amd64 => [ "multi-arch", "amd64-i386", "/install.amd/xen" },
        i386  => [ "multi-arch", "amd64-i386", "/install.386/xen" },
        armhf => [ "armhf",      "armhf",      "/install.armhf" },
    my           ( $path_arch,   $file_arch,   $iso_path ) =
        @{ $arch_props{$arch} };

Or something ?

> +    my $baseurl = $cd eq "current" ?
> +      
> "http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/$props->{PathArch}/jigdo-cd" :
> +      
> "http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/$props->{PathArch}/jigdo-cd";

This should surely come from a runvar (or perhaps a config option)
rather than being hardcoded.


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