This patch introduces ts-debian-di-install which can install Debian
from a netboot (PXE) debian installer image. By default it installs
from the d-i image used by osstest (using the special Xen PV guest
enabled flavour where necessary) but it can also install the current
release versions from Squeeze onwards (up to and including Sid) and
the d-i daily builds. This is controlled by runvars {Guest}_diver =
osstest|current and {Guest}_dist = squeeze|...|sid.  The resulting
guests boot the distro kernel using pygrub (pvgrub will follow).

The distros flights differ substantially from the existing flights.
Introduce make-distros-flight using the functionality previously
refactored into mfi-common. The new flight tests all versions of
Debian from Squeeze onward as an amd64, i386 and armhf guests (armhf
from Jessie onwards only) using the usual smoke tests.

Test names are suffixed -pygrub pending the addition of pvgrub
variants in a future commit.

Add the new cases to sg-run-job

Signed-off-by: Ian Campbell <>
v6: Only apply -xen suffix to x86 images when doing a netboot using
      the osstest version of d-i, since that is the only arch where we
      create such files, other arches can use the bare names.
    Use the guest $arch not the host $r{arch} when finding the
      kernel+initrd to use for d-i install using the osstest d-i.
v4: use guest create
v3: $BUILD_LVEXTEND_MAX now handled in mfi-common
    Consolidate setting of ruvars
    Include $flight and $job in tmpdir name
    Use Osstest::Debian::di_installcmdline_core
    Document the usage of get_host_property on a guest object
    Correct ARM netboot paths
    Include bootloader in test name
       Should include -pv too?
    console= repetition for Jessie onwards.
    Wait for up to an hour for the install. I'd seen timeouts right at
    the end of the install with the previous value
 Osstest/ |   3 +
 make-distros-flight    |  98 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sg-run-job             |  11 ++++
 ts-debian-di-install   | 170 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 282 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 make-distros-flight
 create mode 100755 ts-debian-di-install

diff --git a/Osstest/ b/Osstest/
index 8d6b349..b3d85d6 100644
--- a/Osstest/
+++ b/Osstest/
@@ -906,8 +906,11 @@ sub propname_massage ($) {
     return $prop;
+# It is fine to call this on a guest object too, in which case it will
+# always return $defval.
 sub get_host_property ($$;$) {
     my ($ho, $prop, $defval) = @_;
+    return $defval unless $ho->{Properties};
     my $val = $ho->{Properties}{propname_massage($prop)};
     return defined($val) ? $val : $defval;
diff --git a/make-distros-flight b/make-distros-flight
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5067342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-distros-flight
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# This is part of "osstest", an automated testing framework for Xen.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Citrix Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+set -e
+flight=`./cs-flight-create $blessing $branch`
+. cri-common
+. ap-common
+. mfi-common
+defsuite=`getconfig DebianSuite`
+defguestsuite=`getconfig GuestDebianSuite`
+if [ x$buildflight = x ]; then
+  create_build_jobs
+  bfi=$buildflight.
+job_create_test_filter_callback () {
+  if [ "$xenarch" = "i386" ]; then return 1; fi
+  return 0
+test_matrix_branch_filter_callback () {
+    :
+test_do_one_netboot () {
+  job_create_test                                               \
+   test-$xenarch$kern-$dom0arch-$domU-$dist-netboot-pygrub      \
+    test-debian-di xl $xenarch $dom0arch                        \
+      kernbuildjob=${bfi}build-$dom0arch-$kernbuild             \
+      debian_arch=$domU                                         \
+      debian_dist=$dist                                         \
+      debian_method=netboot                                     \
+      debian_diver=current                                      \
+      all_hostflags=$most_hostflags
+test_matrix_do_one () {
+  case ${xenarch} in
+  amd64) domUarches="amd64 i386";;
+  armhf) domUarches="armhf";;
+  esac
+  for domU in $domUarches ; do
+    for dist in squeeze wheezy jessie sid daily ; do
+      case ${domU}_${dist} in
+      armhf_squeeze) continue;; # No armhf in Squeeze
+      armhf_wheezy) continue;; # No armhf guest support in Wheezy
+      *) ;;
+      esac
+      test_do_one_netboot
+    done
+  done
+echo $flight
+# Local variables:
+# mode: sh
+# sh-basic-offset: 2
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End:
diff --git a/sg-run-job b/sg-run-job
index eae159d..e4a02cf 100755
--- a/sg-run-job
+++ b/sg-run-job
@@ -258,6 +258,17 @@ proc run-job/test-debian {} {
     test-guest debian
+proc install-guest-debian-di {} {
+    run-ts . = ts-debian-di-install
+    run-ts . = ts-guest-start + debian
+proc need-hosts/test-debian-di {} { return host }
+proc run-job/test-debian-di {} {
+    install-guest-debian-di
+    test-guest debian
 proc need-hosts/test-freebsd {} { return host }
 proc run-job/test-freebsd {} {
     run-ts . = ts-freebsd-install
diff --git a/ts-debian-di-install b/ts-debian-di-install
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fabd56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ts-debian-di-install
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# This is part of "osstest", an automated testing framework for Xen.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Citrix Inc.
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+use strict qw(vars);
+use DBI;
+use Osstest;
+use Osstest::Debian;
+use Osstest::TestSupport;
+our ($whhost,$gn) = @ARGV;
+$whhost ||= 'host';
+$gn ||= 'debian';
+our $ho= selecthost($whhost);
+our $ram_mb=    512;
+our $disk_mb= 10000;
+our $guesthost= "$gn.guest.osstest";
+our $gho;
+sub prep () {
+    target_install_packages_norec($ho, qw(lvm2));
+    $gho= prepareguest($ho, $gn, $guesthost, 22,
+                       $disk_mb, 40);
+    prepareguest_part_lvmdisk($ho, $gho, $disk_mb);
+    target_cmd_root($ho, "umount $gho->{Lvdev} ||:");
+sub setup_netboot($$$)
+    my ($didir, $arch, $suite) = @_;
+    my $di_ver= $r{"$gho->{Guest}_diver"} || "osstest";
+    my ($kernel,$initrd);
+    if ( $di_ver eq "osstest" ) {
+       my $di_path = 
+        my $suffix = '';
+        $suffix .= "-xen" if ${arch} =~ m/amd64|i386/;
+       $kernel = "$di_path/vmlinuz$suffix";
+       $initrd = "$di_path/initrd.gz$suffix";
+       target_putfile_root($ho, 60, $kernel, "$didir/kernel_${suite}_${arch}");
+       target_putfile_root($ho, 60, $initrd, "$didir/initrd_${suite}_${arch}");
+    } else {
+       my $mirror = "http://$c{DebianMirrorHost}/$c{DebianMirrorSubpath}";;
+       my $di_url = $suite eq "daily" ?
+           "$arch/daily/netboot"; :
+           "$mirror/dists/$suite/main/installer-$arch/$di_ver/images/netboot";
+       $di_url .= "/xen" if $arch =~ m/amd64|i386/;
+       $di_url .= "/debian-installer/arm64" if $arch =~ /arm64/;
+       $kernel = "$di_url/vmlinuz";
+       $initrd = "$di_url/initrd.gz";
+       target_fetchurl($ho, $kernel, "$didir/kernel_${suite}_${arch}");
+       target_fetchurl($ho, $initrd, "$didir/initrd_${suite}_${arch}");
+    }
+    store_runvar("$gho->{Guest}_netboot_kernel", $kernel);
+    store_runvar("$gho->{Guest}_netboot_initrd", $initrd);
+    return <<END;
+kernel      = "$didir/kernel_${suite}_${arch}"
+ramdisk     = "$didir/initrd_${suite}_${arch}"
+sub ginstall () {
+    my $arch= $r{"$gho->{Guest}_arch"};
+    my $method= $r{"$gho->{Guest}_method"};
+    my $tmpdir= "/root/$flight-$job-di";
+    target_cmd_root($ho, <<END);
+rm -rf $tmpdir
+mkdir $tmpdir
+    my ($method_cfg, $ps_url, $extra_disk);
+    if ( $method eq "netboot" )
+    {
+       my $suite= $r{"$gho->{Guest}_dist"};
+       logm("$method $suite/$arch");
+       $method_cfg = setup_netboot($tmpdir, $arch, $suite);
+       $suite = "sid" if $suite eq "daily";
+       $ps_url = preseed_create_guest($gho, '', Suite=>$suite);
+       $extra_disk = "";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+       die "$method";
+    }
+    my @cmdline = ();
+    push @cmdline, "debian-installer/exit/always_halt=true";
+    push @cmdline, "domain=$c{TestHostDomain}";
+    push @cmdline, "console=hvc0";
+    push @cmdline, di_installcmdline_core($gho, $ps_url);
+    push @cmdline, "--";
+    # See for
+    # why this is repeated.
+    push @cmdline, "console=hvc0";
+    my $cmdline = join(" ", @cmdline);
+    my %install_xopts = (
+       OnPowerOff => "preserve"
+    );
+    prepareguest_part_xencfg($ho, $gho, $ram_mb, \%install_xopts, <<END);
+extra       = "$cmdline"
+disk        = [
+            $extra_disk 'phy:$gho->{Lvdev},xvda,w'
+            ]
+    guest_create($gho);
+    guest_checkrunning($ho, $gho) or die "$gho->{Name} not running";
+    guest_await_shutdown($ho,$gho,3600);
+    guest_destroy($gho);
+    my $blcfg = <<END;
+bootloader = "pygrub"
+    prepareguest_part_xencfg($ho, $gho, $ram_mb, {}, <<END);
+disk        = [
+            'phy:$gho->{Lvdev},xvda,w'
+            ]
+    return;

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