
I'm a student in computer science, during my internship i have to go
and explore multipathing solution for several hypervisor.
I'm looking into MPTCP (multi-path TCP) this is a extension of TCP
protocols that allows to aggregate the bandwith of several connection.
I'd like tu use MPTCP to abble to have a nice bandwith between the
hypervisor and the NAS. That would be a nice software solution to
avoid buying expensive 10 Gig or 100 Gig NICs.

In order to make some tests i'd like to install MPTCP on Xenserver.
There is a .rpm for CentOS 7 but Xenserver is on CentOS 5 and some
dependancies are missing. I'm not confident enought to build my own
supplemental pack for xenserver 6.5.

I'd like to know if there is a "easy" way to add MPTCP to Xenserver ?
Is there a CentOS 7 version that i can get ?

Thanks for your help.


PS : If you feel to help me a bit more here is a link to my support
topic where i explain the problem i have when i try to boot on my
recompiled kernel

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