On Wed, 2015-04-22 at 15:15 +0100, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Apr 2015, Ian Campbell wrote:
> > On Tue, 2015-04-21 at 17:48 +0100, Stefano Stabellini wrote:
> > > Detect whether we have built seabios and only pass the relative command
> > > line argument to Xen if we actually did.
> > 
> > For this and the following ovmf if we didn't build seabios/ovmf here
> > then you pass nothing, which will result in xen.git downloading and
> > doing things itself, is that what is wanted? I think, although I confess
> > I'm not sure and I haven't checked, you can pass --without-thing to
> > avoid this and to disable the support (which might hopefully result in
> > clearer error messages to the user down the line).
> This is a good point. I don't know what we want exactly here.
> In the case of OVMF if you don't specify anything the default in Xen is
> not to build it.
> In the case of Seabios if you don't specify anything the default is
> clone and build.
> Do we want to be absolutely sure to avoid any cloning from the
> xen-unstable tree with raisin?
> Or do we simply want to fall back to the default behaviour?
> I think that both a reasonable answers, I am leaning toward avoiding any
> cloning always.

I think this makes sense. If a users wants ovmf they should ask for it
via raisin, if they don't then they won't get it.

>  This also means disabling stubdoms.  What do you think?

Is the plan to eventually have raisin build stubdoms itself?


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