Ian Campbell writes ("Re: [OSSTEST Nested PATCH 2/6] Add and expose some 
testsupport APIs"):
> On Tue, 2015-03-24 at 03:34 +0000, Hu, Robert wrote:
> > > Make it an option to the function which creates the configuration in the
> > > first place. Quoting myself from earlier in this very thread:
> > Then we still need to designate to use e1000 device somewhere; say, in
> > ts-nested-setup, we store this designation in runvar.
> > Then when creating the config, according to your proposal, we plumbing
> > such designation through $xopts, since we see it in runvar. Are you OK
> > with such implementation?
> I'm not sure if this should be a runvar or just something which
> ts-nested-setup knows. That's one for Ian J to decide.

I think this should be in a runvar named after the guest, and should
be set by make-flight.  In principle that would allow us to have jobs
with and without this setting, for example.

I think the needed moving parts for this are:
 * something in prepareguest_part_xencfg which looks up
   the runvar (eg guest_var($gho,'vifmodel') and if not undef
   adds something appropriate to the vif setting
 * corresponding setting in the new jobs in make-flight/mfi-common


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