On 19/03/15 08:48, Martin Lucina wrote:
By "faking out" Anil means a shim to get existing applications
which currently use PF_UNIX (and possibly PF_INET, though that will be
harder to fake) to use the hypervisor bus to talk to another colocated
unikernel instead.
The motivations for this are:
- Taking the TCP stack out of the picture entirely for intra-unikernel
comms (eg. PHP unikernel <-> MySQL unikernel). Both of those could be
thus be linked without the PF_INET component.
- This means that you do not need to set up and manage a TCP network in
your infrastructure for intra-unikernel comms, which is a huge advantage
from an operations point of view.
- It also means that unikernels which should not be talking TCP to
anywhere, ever, can't do that.
Aah, ic, you want to do what rumpnet_sockin does, except use the
hypervisor bus instead of an external sockets-like networking facility
like sockin does.
rumpnet_sockin was indeed originally developed so that you wouldn't need
to include the full TCP/IP stack in a rump kernel, which is nice for
scenarios where you want to do networking without configuring anything
for each guest instance; running the kernel NFS client in userspace and
using the host's network was the original use case.
Yea, that'll just work on the rump kernel side for PF_INET/PF_INET6
(though you might have to do a bit more handling in your "fake" driver).
Not sure what doing the same for PF_UNIX would entail, if anything
special, but only one way to find out.
- antti
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