Hi all

I'm now working on upstream QEMU stubdom, and rump kernel seems to be a
good fit for this purpose.

A bit background information. A stubdom is a service domain.  With QEMU
stubdom we are able to run QEMU device emulation code in a separate
domain so that bugs in QEMU don't affect Dom0 (the controlling domain).
Xen currently has a QEMU stubdom, but it's based on our fork of ancient
QEMU (plus some other libraries and mini-os). Eventually we would like
to use upstream QEMU in stubdom.

I've now successfully built QEMU upstream with rump kernel. However to
make it fully functional as a stubdom, there are some missing pieces to
be added in.

1. The ability to access QMP socket (a unix socket) from Dom0. That
   will be used to issue command to QEMU.
2. The ability to access files in Dom0. That will be used to write to /
   read from QEMU state file.
3. The building process requires mini-os headers. That will be used
   to build libxc (the controlling library).

(Xen folks, do I miss anything?)

One of my lessons learned from the existing stubdom stuffs is that I
should work with upstream and produce maintainable code. So before I do
anything for real I'd better consult the community. My gut feeling is
that the first two requirements are not really Xen specific. Let me know
what you guys plan and think.


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