This patch set adds nested HVM test case for osstest.
In this test case, a Xen hypervisor (L1) runs on top of another Xen hypervisor 
Upon L1 hypervisor, we will then create a nested guest (L2), and test if the 
Linux guest can then be installed and run well.
About nested Xen virtualization, refer to

Test steps
        0. To run osstest in standalone mode, write a config file in
           '~/.xen-osstest/config', and then create a standalone.config file to
           define 'TREE_LINUX', 'REVISION_LINUX' and 'NESTED_OS_IMAGE' which
           will be used for nested test. The directry path of 'Debian Images'
           could be difined in '~/.xen-osstest/config'. 
        1. run 'build-amd64' job and then 'build-amd64-pvops', to prepare xen
           installation tarball and hvm guest kernel.
        2. run 'test-amd64-amd6-nested' job, it does following:
                a. invoke test step of 'ts-debain-hvm-install' to install 
                   a normal HVM guest
                b. invoke test step of 'ts-nested-setup' to make some
                   appropriate runvars which selecthost would recognise and
                   prepare the configurations for installing L2 guest VM. 
                c. invoke test step of 'ts-xen-install' to install xen on 
                   the normal guest, alter it into a L1 hypervisor
                d. invoke test step of 'ts-debain-hvm-install' again, but 
                   take the L1 hypervisor as host, install the L2 guest on it
                e. invoke test step of 'ts-guest-stop', stop L2 guest.
                f. invoke test step of 'ts-guest-destroy' to destroy L1 guest.

This patch set reuses 'ts-debian-hvm-install' for both L1 installation and L2 
installation, define 'nested' and 'nested2' as L1 and L2's hostname, define 
'nested_l1 as L1's host ident.
It also reuses 'ts-xen-install' with 'nested' input param to differentiate L1 
Xen installation from L0 Xen installation.
This patch series has been tested on test machines of amd64 arch, 
debian-7.6.0-amd64 as guests OS, with hvm domain0 of Linux kernel 3.18.5, in 
standalone mode.
longtao.pang (6):
      parsing grub which has 'submenu' primitive
      Add and expose some testsupport APIs
      Changes on test step of debain hvm guest install in hvm.
      Add new ts-nested-setup script to custmize nested test configuration 
before     the testing.
      Add test job for nest test case
      Compose the main recipe of test-nested test job.

 Osstest/      |   52 
 Osstest/ |   21 +++++++++++++++++++--
 make-flight            |   20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 sg-run-job             |   11 +++++++++++
 ts-debian-hvm-install  |   14 +++++++++++---
 ts-nested-setup        |   54 
 6 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 ts-nested-setup

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