On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 10:32:41AM +0000, Ian Campbell wrote:
> (culling the cc list a lot)
> On Thu, 2015-03-12 at 11:54 +0000, Jan Beulich wrote:
> > >>> On 12.03.15 at 11:21, <wei.l...@citrix.com> wrote:
> > > == Linux ==
> > 
> > Wouldn't it make sense to move external projects down, and have
> > our core pieces (hypervisor, tool stack, maybe qemu) be near the
> > top?
> When I originally started tracking external things back in whichever
> release I was RM for there was only a couple of big ticket external
> items. It seems that today there are dozens of things ranging from the
> small to the large which are obscuring the work which is actually
> happening within the Xen release itself (the list is now so long that is
> a proper chore to read through it and pay attention).
> Added to that is the fact that the list in general has become something
> of a laundry list of everything anyone has ever thought of or someone
> once considered working on, rather than things which are of some
> importance to the 4.6 release.
> Along with the fact that it must be a load of work to maintain I think
> there is a danger nobody will read it because it is so overwhelming.
> Wei, perhaps one or more of these could be applied:
>       * raise the bar for inclusion in the list for external projects to
>         be only the very largest most important items;
>       * Stop tracking external projects altogether unless they have a
>         direct interaction with the 4.6 release;
>       * raise the bar for inclusion in the list for all projects a bit,
>         i.e. not every little change to xen.git needs to be tracked;
>       * be more aggressive about garbage collecting old ideas which
>         aren't seeing any actual progress in this release window.

I've been actively doing #4 by dropping lots of stuffs since the

I've removed those "up for grabs" items because they can be / should be
tracked in bug tracker. I also removed some Linux projects which don't
seem to require interaction with Xen.


> WRT the third one, I wonder if it is necessary for the RM to track
> everything which is going on in the world WRT Xen. Just tracking those
> items which we as a community have decided we want to get into 4.6 and
> for which we feel there is a realistic chance of that happening would
> make the list more manageable, which reduces the burden on you as well
> as those trying to read the list.
> I'm not saying that only things which are considered blockers for 4.6
> should be on the list, but perhaps raise the bar from including every
> possible wishlist item e.g. to only include important stuff, and drop
> the nice to haves?
> Ian.

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