
I am trying to use the libxl python bindings but having mixed levels of 
success.  I assume that the current 
status of this is unsupported as the build of the xl.so is disabled by default 
but perhaps completing the 
missing parts could be quite trivial?  I have managed to enabled the build with 
the patch the follow below.

I can for example:

from __future__ import print_function
from xen.lowlevel import xl
xlctx = xl.ctx()
for domu in xlctx.list_domains():

However other parts such as xl.version_info() do not seem to work.  Looking at 
the wrapper code which is 
generated in the build it seems that the object which would store the version 
information is allocated and 
initialised but never populated:

static int Pyversion_info_init(Py_version_info *self, PyObject *args, PyObject 
    memset(&self->obj, 0, sizeof(self->obj));
    return genwrap__obj_init((PyObject *)self, args, kwds);

static PyObject *Pyversion_info_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, 
PyObject *kwds)
    Py_version_info *self = (Py_version_info *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
    if (self == NULL)
        return NULL;
    memset(&self->obj, 0, sizeof(self->obj));
    return (PyObject *)self;

I can see that the version_info libxl function takes a ctx argument but passing 
in xl.ctx() to xl.version_info() 
does not change anything, i.e. print(xl.version_info().xen_version_major) 
always shows 0.

What level of experience/effort would be required to address this?


diff --git a/tools/python/setup.py b/tools/python/setup.py
index 439c429..029869e 100644
--- a/tools/python/setup.py
+++ b/tools/python/setup.py
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ xl = Extension("xl",
                extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args,
                include_dirs       = [ PATH_XEN, PATH_LIBXL, PATH_LIBXC + 
"/include", "xen/lowlevel/xl" ],
                library_dirs       = [ PATH_LIBXL ],
-               libraries          = [ "xenlight" ],
-               depends            = [ PATH_LIBXL + "/libxenlight.so" ],
+               libraries          = [ "xenlight", "xlutil" ],
+               depends            = [ PATH_LIBXL + "/libxenlight.so", 
PATH_LIBXL + "/libxlutil.so" ],
                sources            = [ "xen/lowlevel/xl/xl.c", 
"xen/lowlevel/xl/_pyxl_types.c" ])

 plat = os.uname()[0]
 modules = [ xc, xs ]
-#modules.extend([ xl ])
+modules.extend([ xl ])

 setup(name            = 'xen',
       version         = '3.0',

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