It is possible to send a zero-string message body to xenstore's
XS_CONTROL handling function. Then the number of strings is used
for an array allocation. This leads to a crash in strcmp() in a
CONTROL sub-command invocation loop.
The output of xs_count_string() should be verified and all 0 or
negative values should be rejected with an EINVAL. At least the
sub-command name must be specified.

The xenstore crash can only be triggered from within dom0 (there
is a check in do_control() rejecting all non-dom0 requests with

Testing: reproduced with the following command:
python -c 'print 16*"\x00"' | nc -U $XENSTORED_RUNDIR/socket

Signed-off-by: Pawel Wieczorkiewicz <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Pohlack <>
 tools/xenstore/xenstored_control.c | 2 ++
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

diff --git a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_control.c 
index 7c14911..e4b8aa9 100644
--- a/tools/xenstore/xenstored_control.c
+++ b/tools/xenstore/xenstored_control.c
@@ -184,6 +184,8 @@ int do_control(struct connection *conn, struct 
buffered_data *in)
                return EACCES;
        num = xs_count_strings(in->buffer, in->used);
+       if (num < 1)
+               return EINVAL;
        vec = talloc_array(in, char *, num);
        if (!vec)
                return ENOMEM;

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Berlin - Dresden - Aachen
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Geschaeftsfuehrer: Dr. Ralf Herbrich, Christian Schlaeger
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