On Fri, Mar 06, Wei Liu wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 10:45:55AM +0100, Olaf Hering wrote:
> > +== TODO ===
> > +
> > +How to do live migration?
> > + - pdev will likely be evaluated again on the target host if it came from
> > +   domU.cfg. But what about pdev from 'xl scsi-attach pdev vdev'? Its 
> > required
> > +   to adjust h:c:t:l on the target host.
> > +
> > +How to handle FIXME in libxl_retrieve_domain_configuration?
> > + - "MERGE(vscsi, vscsis, COMPARE_DEVID, {});", when does this code run?
> > + 
> I don't think this kind of information that relates to libxl internal
> belongs here.

Its the overall TODO list, it has to go somewhere. And it will be
removed once its empty.

> Anyway, to answer you question. libxl_retrieve_domain_configuration is
> called by xl when you do migration / detailed domain configuration
> listing etc.

How can the values diverge? With commands like 'scsi-attach'?

> I think the comment above MERGE macro states what it does and how to use
> it. Is there anything that's not clear to you?

I think for vscsi it has to compare the vdev h:c:t:l part, just as disk
compares xvda. I will look at this once I'm done with libvirt


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