On Mon, 2015-02-16 at 18:05 -0500, Don Slutz wrote:
>  tools/xentrace/formats           |  5 +++++
> [...]
> diff --git a/tools/xentrace/formats b/tools/xentrace/formats
> index 5d7b72a..eec65f4 100644
> --- a/tools/xentrace/formats
> +++ b/tools/xentrace/formats
> @@ -79,6 +79,11 @@
>  0x00082020  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  INTR_WINDOW [ value = 
> 0x%(1)08x ]
>  0x00082021  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  NPF         [ gpa = 
> 0x%(2)08x%(1)08x mfn = 0x%(4)08x%(3)08x qual = 0x%(5)04x p2mt = 0x%(6)04x ]
>  0x00082023  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  TRAP        [ vector = 
> 0x%(1)02x ]
> +0x00082024  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  TRAP_DEBUG  [ 
> exit_qualification = 0x%(1)08x ]
> +0x00082025  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VLAPIC
> +0x00082026  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMPORT_HANDLED   [ cmd = 
> %(1)d eax = 0x%(2)08x ebx = 0x%(3)08x ecx = 0x%(4)08x edx = 0x%(5)08x esi = 
> 0x%(6)08x edi = 0x%(7)08x ]
> +0x00082027  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMPORT_IGNORED   [ port = 
> %(1)d eax = 0x%(2)08x ebx = 0x%(3)08x ecx = 0x%(4)08x edx = 0x%(5)08x esi = 
> 0x%(6)08x edi = 0x%(7)08x ]
> +0x00082028  CPU%(cpu)d  %(tsc)d (+%(reltsc)8d)  VMPORT_QEMU      [ eax = 
> 0x%(1)08x ebx = 0x%(2)08x ecx = 0x%(3)08x edx = 0x%(4)08x esi = 0x%(5)08x edi 
> = 0x%(6)08x ]

Looks ok to me, so for this tools change:
Acked-by: Ian Campbell <ian.campb...@citrix.com>

but really what is needed is George's nod for xentrace stuff.

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