>>> On 02.03.15 at 16:52, <fabio.fant...@m2r.biz> wrote:
> On systems with wheezy as dom0 and kernel 3.2 it seems there are no 
> visible problems.
> After updating the kernel to 3.16 (from backports repository), after 
> starting the domUs, I get many of these errors in syslog and kern.log 
> (infinite loop):
> xen:balloon: Cannot add additional memory (-17)

I have a vague recollection of some fix from David aiming at
avoiding to issue this message, but you would clearly have better
luck getting a qualified response if you Cc-ed kernel people when
reporting kernel problems (assuming you need explicit Cc-s at all,
as most relevant people read the list anyway afaik) - I certainly
can't figure by what criteria you put together the Cc list.


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