On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 06:47:23PM +0000, Andri Möll wrote:
> Hey,
> As per Andrew [Cooper]'s suggestion, writing here instead of #xen on
> Freenode.
> I'm trying out Xen (4.9.0) with OVMF (r21243.3858b4a1ff-1) and having it
> crash right on boot both with the 32b and 64b OVMF binaries. This is on Arch
> Linux, AMD Ryzen on a X370 motherboard.
> Given the following minimal VM declaration:
> > builder = "hvm"
> > maxmem = 512
> > memory = 512
> > vcpus = 1
> > on_poweroff = "destroy"
> > on_reboot = "destroy"
> > on_crash = "destroy"
> > bios = "ovmf"
> > device_model_version = "qemu-xen"
> > bios_path_override = "/usr/share/ovmf/ovmf_code_ia32.bin"
> and running it with `xl create vm.cfg`, I see it crash while booting with
> the following displayed by `xl dmesg`:

I don't know if it is possible to use ovmf_code_ia32.bin (or _x64) with
Xen. You would need to supply ovmf_vars_ia32.bin somehow, but I never
looked at doing that.

Your best bet would be to rebuild the Xen pkg and edit the PKGBUILD to
remove "--with-system-ovmf" configure option (if your compile Xen from
Recompile OVMF from https://xenbits.xen.org/git-http/ovmf.git (or the
upstream URL) with `OvmfPkg/build.sh -n $nb_of_cpu -b RELEASE` and use
the OVMF file from Build/OvmfX64/RELEASE_GCC*/FV/OVMF.fd

Anthony PERARD

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