Hi Andre,

On 05/11/2017 06:53 PM, Andre Przywara wrote:
+    do
+    {
+        nr_lpis = radix_tree_gang_lookup(&its->d->arch.vgic.pend_lpi_tree,
+                                         (void **)pirqs, vlpi,
+                                         ARRAY_SIZE(pirqs));
+        for ( i = 0; i < nr_lpis; i++ )
+        {
+            /* We only care about LPIs on our VCPU. */
+            if ( pirqs[i]->lpi_vcpu_id != vcpu->vcpu_id )
+                continue;
+            vlpi = pirqs[i]->irq;
+            /* If that fails for a single LPI, carry on to handle the rest. */
+            ret = update_lpi_property(its->d, pirqs[i]);
+            if ( !ret )
+                update_lpi_vgic_status(vcpu, pirqs[i]);
+        }
+    /*
+     * Loop over the next gang of pending_irqs until we reached the end of
+     * a (fully populated) tree or the lookup function returns less LPIs than
+     * it has been asked for.
+     */
+    } while ( (++vlpi < its->d->arch.vgic.nr_lpis) &&
+              (nr_lpis == ARRAY_SIZE(pirqs)) );
+    read_unlock(&its->d->arch.vgic.pend_lpi_tree_lock);
+    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&vcpu->arch.vgic.lock, flags);
+    return ret;

The implementation looks good. However, one question. ret would be equal to the latest LPI updated. So even if all LPIs have failed but the latest, you will still return 0. Is it what you want?


Julien Grall

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