Wei Liu writes ("[PATCH for-4.9 2/2] oxenstored: make it work on FreeBSD"):
> Call the uname syscall to determine sysname and return device names
> accordingly.
> -let xenstored_proc_kva = "/proc/xen/xsd_kva"
> -let xenstored_proc_port = "/proc/xen/xsd_port"
> +let xenstored_proc_kva =
> +  let info = Unix_syscalls.uname () in
> +  match info.sysname with
> +  | "Linux" -> "/proc/xen/xsd_kva"
> +  | "FreeBSD" -> "/dev/xen/xenstored"
> +  | _ -> "nonexistent"

This isn't very good.  If this code wants to fail, it returns a string
"nonexistent" which would then be used to construct pathnames, and
actually accessed.

In Haskell one could simply leave the default case off, which would
generate a runtime failure.  Is that possible in ocaml ?


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