
Please review the following file for Xen Hypervisor format specification given 
in http://xenbits.xen.org/gitweb/?p=xen.git;a=blob;f=CODING_STYLE 

The link to the file is:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Kurth" <lars.kurth....@gmail.com>
To: "Ishani" <chugh.ish...@research.iiit.ac.in>
Cc: "cardoe" <car...@cardoe.com>, "xen-devel" <xen-de...@lists.xenproject.org>, 
"Andrew Cooper" <andrew.coop...@citrix.com>, "Wei Liu" <wei.l...@citrix.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 5:22:02 PM
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] [Outreachy] Interested in contribution: Code Standards 
Checking using clang-format


> On 11 Apr 2017, at 12:21, Ishani <chugh.ish...@research.iiit.ac.in> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have created a clang-format file for specifications of format for Xen 
> hypervisor and incorporated all of the support which present clang-format 
> could provide. I have seen all the options provided by clang-format and have 
> some discrepancies regarding some of format specifications which are not 
> provided in the doc but is followed. I will commit the code and provide you 
> with full report by today.

Can you post this on any public repo for now (e.g. github gitlab bitbucket, 
whatever) and post an e-mail on this list with title "[RFC] Code Standards 
Checking using clang-format" or something like it with link to the repo. I 
think this is enough for the small task required for this project.

Ideally, because at some point you will need to do this, you would follow 
https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Submitting_Xen_Project_Patches - but we could 
waive this in this case. But it will make reviewing the output easier.

>> 4: a small script that checks that .clang-format works correctly on these 
>> pieces of code
>> For 4, you probably want to run clang-format with -output-replacements-xml 
>> on the files in 1 >- 3 and then do some grep magic to see whether it does 
>> the right thing.
> Can you elaborate on this a bit. What is the expected end product?

I think this is a stretch goal, given the time-frame. The idea here was to be 
able to verify that the clang-format file works as expected on some code 
snippets that we know adhere to the coding standards. This would in essence 
produce a stand-alone test for the .clang-format file on the coding style 
patterns that we know works. 

> Meanwhile, I have resumed on writing the proposal. I somehow missed previous 
> comments. Please have a look at it.
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/10NJn-QvO1TvyJJJGE2PD6FtElYCT3neBAffIqeWHdiE/edit?usp=sharing

I saw it. Thank you!

Best Regards

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